Fundraiser To Keep Spunjet ALIVE!

Hello Spunjet Community!

This website is a labour of love and has become more than we have ever dreamed of.
We the Spunjet Crew are happy to see so many people coming on a daily basis and enjoying the site as we do. We are pleased to say we currently have over 200 members and we are growing more everyday.
First of All a Great Big Thank You to those of you who have already donated to the cause.
Today we are kicking off a 10 Day Fundraiser to Keep Spunjet ALIVE.
We are looking to raise $204.42 CDN in order to keep online for 6 more months at which time, we may need to switch to a dedicated server.
Sadly if we are unable to raise the$204.42 in the next 10 days may have to go offline.

Please Click on the DONATE LINK to the right to DONATE today To SAVE Spunjet!

Thanks in advance for your support & we will continue to keep you updated in our fundraising efforts

Take Care