Hello Spunjet Community!
This website is a labour of love and has become more than we have ever dreamed of.
We the Spunjet Crew are happy to see so many people coming on a daily basis and enjoying the site as we do. We are pleased to say we currently have over 200 members and we are growing more everyday.
First of All a Great Big Thank You to those of you who have already donated to the cause.
Today we are kicking off a 10 Day Fundraiser to Keep Spunjet ALIVE.
We are looking to raise $204.42 CDN in order to keep Spunjet.com online for 6 more months at which time, we may need to switch to a dedicated server.
Sadly if we are unable to raise the$204.42 in the next 10 days Spunjet.com may have to go offline.
Please Click on the DONATE LINK to the right to DONATE today To SAVE Spunjet!
Thanks in advance for your support & we will continue to keep you updated in our fundraising efforts
Take Care
Maybe you guys should head over to Google Sites? I know all the technical stuff is better on a site such as yours guys. But Google is pretty good, free! highly configurable a lot of free space 16 gigabytes!! can’t get your own domain though need a us address.
here is a handsome utility I use to copy my website. if you ever do decide to move your website copy it! https://www.httrack.com/
Thanks for the information Marlon. 🙂
no problem! 🙂